The seller, on the hand, makes a point of protesting that the price he is charging depriving him of all profit, and that he is sacrificing this because of his personal regard for the customer. 另一方面,卖主故意一再声称他现在的要价是无利可图的;只是出于他个人对买主的敬慕,才肯这样不惜血本。
From the economic point of view, we may regard this as a sensible plan. 从经济观点看,我们可以认为这个计划是合理的。
The starting point of his study is to have high regard for Chinese culture and to strive to gain a thorough understanding of it. 尊重中国文化,力求贯通理解中国文化是他的汉学研究的出发点。
The analysis starting point of the traditional bank lending transmission mechanisms mostly regard commercial bank as financial enterprises of the real meaning so they can adjust assets composition freely, and follow this analysis frame while using the credit rationing theory to describe the mechanism. 传统的银行借贷传导机制大多以商业银行作为真正意义的金融企业,从而能自由调整其资产构成作为分析起点,并在运用信贷配给理论描述该机制时沿袭了这一分析框架。
By discussing the characteristics of harmonic energy at the point of common coupling ( PCC), an uniform watt hour metering method that all consumers pay for their fundamental energy at PCC without regard to the existence of harmonics in the network or the consumer is presented. 文中通过对公共连接点(PCC)谐波电能性质的分析,提出了有无谐波情况下均可按照用户与电网的PCC的基波电能进行电力用户电量计费的统一计量方法。
Teaching administration is the basic point and nucleus of the all administration work in the socialist college. Thus, to strengthen the system spirit is to regard the teaching administration as a system and to carry out the analysis of qualification and ration; 教学管理是社会主义学院一切管理工作的基本点和核心,因此,强化系统意识就是将教学管理视为一个系统而进行定性、定量分析;
The paper defines Information corporation not from macroscopic standpoint but from microscopic point of view, and thinks Information corporation is what regard information and knowledge as strategic resource and production factor, and the main form of its products is information. 与通常从宏观角度定义相区别,本文从微观角度对信息型企业进行了定义,认为信息型企业是那些以信息、知识为战略资源和生产要素,其产品表现形式主要为信息的企业。
So, the focal point of management of network information service should reflect the trend and spirit of network information service, these require that we should regard user as the goal in management, set up management mode in order to meet the needs of what users required. 因此对网络信息服务的管理的重点也应该体现网络信息服务的趋向与精神,这要求在管理中要以用户为目标,以适应用户按需服务的要求建立管理模式。
Analyses the present market prospect of electric boilers from the energy and environment protection requirements of china, and voices out the author's personal point of view with regard to the development trend of electric boilers. 根据我国的能源和环保要求,对国内目前电热锅炉的市场前景进行了分析,并就电热锅炉的发展方向提出了自己的见解。
The original starting point of China's rural reform is the operating system of agriculture which regard the implementation of the household contract management as the core, however, it recycles the micro-economic foundation of market and makes hundreds of millions of farmers become independent market entities; 中国农村改革的原始起点是实行以家庭承包经营为核心的农业经营体制改革,但其逻辑演化过程却是通过农村经济体制的改革,再造市场经济的微观基础,使亿万农户成为独立的市场主体;
Analysis and correction of these errors from exegetical and grammatical point of view are beneficial not only to readers but also to some publishing houses with regard to the quality of publications. 从训诂和语法的角度分析纠正这些错误,有益于读者,也有助于克服某些出版部门古籍出版的粗滥之弊。
The innovation point of view in this thesis is: Regard the expressway as a kind of resource, propose that manages the theory of the expressway, change and manage the management in order to take the initiative passively. 本论文的创新之处是:把高速公路看成一种资源,提出经营高速公路的理念,变被动管理为主动经营。
Finally is my personal point about the transformation of the concept and the creative city planning with regard to conservation for historic cities. 最后,文章对当今历史文化名城保护的观念转变与编制体系创新提出了个人的见解。
Plasma ignition technology is the most promising technology. But because of the plasma's super high temperature, exceeding the melting point of most commonly metal and alloy greatly, the life problem of zincous should be regard as a great problem. 而无油点火技术中,前沿的课题就是等离子体点火技术,但由于等离子体温度极高,大大超过了一般金属及合金的熔点,那么阳极的寿命问题成为一大重点问题。
Depend on principle of public announcement and public trust, to absorb point of view of real right formalism, on exist legislation and theory, author bring out that litigant can agree on what possessed transfer regard as public announcement method of real right beside register. 根据物权变动的公示公信原则,吸取物权变动公示方法认定效力中形式主义立法观点,在原有立法和理论的基础上,笔者提出,可以以登记外的公示方式作为物权变动的外观形式。
The forth department probes the systemized design of the ecological square, point out the design of urban square group should regard three aspects such as the whole programming layout, landscape space level of structure, green space etc. 第四章探讨生态广场的体系化,指出广场群设计应以整体规划布局、景观空间层次、绿色空间为重点,最后是广场群设计的地域生态化;
In particular, since the accomplishment of the human genome project we can now try to understand the phenomenon of life from the point of view of genes, especially with regard to the mechanism of major diseases. 特别是随着人类基因组计划的基本完成和逐步细化,人们已经试图从基因水平上来认识生命现象,特别是一些重要疾病的机理。
People therefore should set up a correct view point of going to death, and regard it as a source of active life. 应建立我正在死亡的死亡观,并将其作为我的积极人生的源泉。
In this paper, a few point of ponder oh improving the effect of education of political thought will be discussed, while we regard us as the students. 笔者主要从学生角度谈谈提高思政治教育效果的几点思考和启示。
It is stated that theme is the starting point of utterance and embodies the known or given information, whereas rheme is what the speaker intends to express with regard to the starting point of the utterance and contains new information. 主位是信息的起点,提供交际双方已知的信息,述位表达话语者要传递的新信息。
From the point of research methods, the issue in the study of consumer spending with little regard for the spatial heterogeneity of factors. 从研究方法上看,研究消费问题时很少考虑消费的空间异质性因素;从研究内容上看,很少从收敛角度研究居民消费问题。